With a professional background as a Marketing Coordinator at a non-profit concert venue and a multidisciplinary director at a radio station, I have developed a keen sense of leadership, authenticity, and responsibility in the workplace.
As the Marketing Coordinator at The Community Center for the Performing Arts (WOW Hall)in Eugene, Oregon, I built a foundation of knowledge in the music and performing arts industry. While holding this position, I managed marketing campaigns for each show. This was done through social media campaigns, radio station collaborations, and engaging with the Eugene music community. I segmented and targeted different areas of the market, increasing our email subscriber engagement by 400% in one year. I implemented and managed a new website for the Hall to streamline our workflow.I have advanced skills in Canva and Adobe Creative Cloud, serving an audience of over 28,000 followers on various social media channels. This role taught me the value of collaboration and co-creation; I love working in a community!
In addition to my professional experience I also manage and generate content for GrrlBand. Check us out here!